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McQuade Library Student Worker Training Guide

Opening McQuade

If you're working an opening shift: 

  • Turn on Library Services lights
  • Turn on all lights at panel next to the elevator-- First push the white newer looking button, then to the right, flip all of the switches up. Next, open the cage and push all of the top buttons. 
  • Turn on patio lights-- walk in, look right, and walk straight ahead. Switch is on wall (turn on both)
  • Prop open patio door.
  • Unlock front door using the allenwrench-- Bars should be pushed in.
  • Turn on computer: UN:  .\circuser   PW: mcquade2023
  • Log in to Evergreen
  • Turn on receipt printer if it's off

Closing McQuade

If you're working a closing shift:

  • Fifteen minutes before close, flash the lights (panel next to elevator) 
  • Ten minutes before close do rounds of all floors to get a sense of who's in the building
  • Five minutes before close, walk around and tell patrons the library is closing and to start packing up.
  • Push in chairs, tidy up, erase whiteboards  
  • Log out/ Shut down computer
  • Once everyone has exited the building turn off Library Services lights
  • Turn off all lights at panel next to the elevator-- First push the white newer looking button, then to the right, flip off all of the black switches. Next, open the cage and push all of the bottom buttons. 
  • Turn off patio lights-- walk in, look right, and walk straight ahead. Switch is on wall (turn off both)
  • Close patio door
  • Make sure front/back doors are locked -- Bars should be popped out.


  • Keys for the front doors and other spaces in McQuade are located on the back wall between the windows. 
  • The front door key is an Allen wrench on a green tag.
For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
Call us: 978-837-5177 | Text us:  978-228-2275 | Email us: