MACKsearch searches the library's online catalog, many of our individual journal subscriptions, and most of our databases including Artstor, EBSCOhost, Elsevier, JSTOR, Emerald, & much of Gale.
While MACKsearch includes some of our LibGuides, if you are starting a research project, you may want to visit the appropriate subject or course online guide first.
Presently MACKsearch does not search the following databases, so you will need to search these individually to access content:
SciFinder & American Chemical Society (ACS) archive journals(current ACS journals are included in MACKsearch)
Most of LexisNexis Academic (MACKsearch only includes law reviews from LexisNexis Academic)
Massachusetts History Online (Gale)
ProQuest databases are not included, but Fulltext Finder will link to relevant articles:
Non-full text indexing of ProQuest resources
PQ Newspapers (WSJ, Globe, NYT, etc.) and popular and trade magazines are best searched via ProQuest as FullText Finder linking is inadequate and frustrating. Note that there is now a US Newsstream and Global Newsstream.