This guide was created to help you find credible, scholarly resources for your Community Engagement Capstone. The information contained in this guide will directly relate to you work in this class. Use the tabs on the side to locate the information you need. If you don't find what you're looking for, or need help navigating this guide, don't hesitate to contact a McQuade Librarian. Good luck with your research!
CME 6850 Library Workshop Goals
1. Learn the basics of the library-- off campus access, contacting a librarian, course guide etc.
2. Discover library resources
3. Learn to develop effective searches in order to gather information suitable for graduate-level research
1) Take a moment to consider: What did you learn from today's class? Was there anything that made you go hmmm? Did you learn anything new? Was there anything that made you think: that’ll be important later? Is there a tip or a trick you've picked up that helps in the research process? Or is there something that you think other students might find helpful?
2) Go to this Padlet Board and create a post sharing what that something is. Make a post about what that important bit of information is, and link back to where you found it. Have your post link back to the research guide, or database, or wherever it may be. The goal is, at the end of the academic year, to have an accessible information board created by current students for future students.