Merrimack College: Genesis and Growth, 1947-1972 by Edward G. Roddy Jr.
Merrimack College: The First Fifty Years, 1947-1957 by Robert (Bud) D. Keohan and Frank J. Leone Jr.
Scholarly Articles
Goldin, Claudia, and Lawrence F. Katz. "Putting the “Co” in Education: Timing, Reasons, and Consequences of College Coeducation from 1835 to the Present." Journal of Human Capital 5, no. 4 (2011): 377-417.
Poulson, Susan L., and Loretta P. Higgins. "Gender, Coeducation, and the Transformation of Catholic Identity in American Catholic Higher Education." The Catholic Historical Review 89, no. 3 (2003): 489-510
Research Reports
"Systemic Racism in Higher Education." Museus, S.D., Ledesma, M.C. and Parker, T.L. (2015), Racism and Racial Equity in Higher Education. ASHE High. Edu. Rept., 42: p 49-71.
Shifting the Scales of Diversity on Campus - College of the Holy Cross
Women's Rights Timeline - National Archives
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