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Voting & Election Resource Guide

Democracy Dialogs: A Voting Cafe Series (Coming Fall 2024)




Pre Election Self Care

Recognizing Signs of Election Related Stress or Anxiety, Setting Boundaries with Political Discussions, Managing Exposure to News and Media, Levering Support Networks (family, friends, community)

Campaigns & Political Parties

Campaign Finance and Super PACs, Role of Political Parties, Campaign Strategies and Advertising, Influence of Political Action Committees (PACs)

Election Admin. & Security

Role of State and Local Election Officials, Voter Registration Processes, Mail-in and Absentee Voting, Cybersecurity and Protection Against Interference


experiences, in general

Cafe 2 -SEPTEMBER 26



Historical Context & Evolution

History of Voting Rights Movements, Significant Amendments (e.g., 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments), Evolution of Electoral Laws and Practices, Key Supreme Court Decisions Affecting Voting

Voting Rights & Accessibility

The Voting Rights Act of 1965, Voter ID Laws, Accessibility for Disabled and Elderly Voters, Felon Disenfranchisement


as a young person, in general, experiences

Cafe 3 - OCTOBER 10



Voter Behavior & Demographics

Voter Turnout and Participation Rates, Demographic Influences on Voting Patterns, Impact of Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Education on Voting, Role of Polling and Public Opinion

Electoral Systems & Processes

Electoral College vs. Popular Vote, Primary and Caucus Systems, General Elections and Runoffs, Redistricting and Gerrymandering

Comparative Electoral Systems

Comparison with Electoral Systems in Other Democracies, Impact of Different Electoral Systems on Representation, Lessons from International Election Observations, Global Trends in Election Reforms

Cafe 4 - OCTOBER 24



Tech Advancements & Challenges

Electronic Voting Machines and Paper Ballots, Online Voter Registration and Voting, Blockchain Technology in Voting, Addressing Misinformation and Fake News

Impact of Media 

Role of Traditional Media in Elections, Influence of Social Media Platforms, Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns, Regulations on Political Advertising

Beyond Voting

Movements, Action Items

Cafe 5 - NOVEMBER 7 (Post Voting Cafe)



Post Election Self Care

Understanding and Processing Emotions Post-Election, Coping Mechanisms for Dealing with Post-Election Disappointment or Elation, Channeling Emotions into Constructive Action, Strategies for Taking a Break from Media

Analyzing  Results

Demographic Breakdown (age, gender, ethnicity, education level), Factors Influencing Turnout (e.g., weather, political climate), Differences Between Regions (e.g., coastal vs. inland, north vs. south)

Implications for the Future

Shifts in Voter Demographics, Shifts within Major Political Parties and the Rise of Third Parties and Independents, Changes in Party Platforms and Priorities, Evolution of Campaign Tactics, Role of Grassroots Movements and Decentralized Campaigning, Push for Changes in Electoral Law   

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