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Voting & Election Resource Guide

Voter Registration

Are You Registered to Vote? Find out here 

Why Your Vote Matters

Student Votes Make an Impact!

College is a critical time to get engaged in democracy and civic engagement. Learn about how youth civic engagement and voting make a difference. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can't remember if I've registered to vote?

 Should I register to vote with my home address or my school address?

  • From Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics: 

    By law, you can register to vote in either location – NOT both! Many students feel more connected and know more about the candidates and issues in their hometowns, so they want to register and vote there. Some students want to be registered at their school location to be able to vote on candidates and issues that affect their school. The most important thing is that you DO vote.

    If you are from Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada or Tennessee, and you did not register to vote in person, you may NOT vote by absentee ballot. Your states have additional identification laws that supersede HAVA identification requirements (see below).

    Note: If you have a state-funded scholarship or a privately-funded scholarship designated for a local student, be sure to check the terms of your scholarship before registering to vote in your college community. You could lose your eligibility. 

  • Check out this voter registration decision making tool.

Can I vote at home and at school?

  • No, you'll have to choose one place to register and vote. Check out the Absentee Ballot information if you are voting out of state. 

What if I have problems voting at the polls?

  • From the League of Women Voters USA:
    • 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
    • 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)
    • 1-888-API-VOTE (Asian multilingual assistance)
    • 1-844-YALLA-US (Arabic)
  • Your local election commission may also have a contact for any issues
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