Create and unlimited number of folders to sort your sources, and keep your research organized.
1. In Mendeley Desktop, click the "Create new folder" button in the toolbar
2. Name your new folder- A highlighted text box will appear at the bottom of the "My Library" section
3. Add citations by dragging files from the central column to the corresponding folder
For more complex research projects, create subfolders to sort citations into multiple categories within a single subject.
1. Select the folder that you would like to add additional subfolders into, and click the "Create new folder" button
2. Name your subfolder- this time, the highlighted text box will appear directly below the main folder
One of your sources could fit into several different folders? No problem, just add descriptive tags to the document!
1. Click on the source you want to tag, the document details will appear in the right column
2. Add your descriptive tags to the source
To find items by their tags use the search bar in the top right corner of Mendeley Desktop.
Looking to organize the files on your computer too? Mendeley's file organizer can help!
1. Click on the "Tools" button in the top tool bar, and select "Options"
2. Click on the "File Organizer" tab, and select the types of organization you would like
3. Click "OK" to complete the process