This guide provides authoritative resources for global cultural & economic analysis and marketing plans. Most are proprietary research databases paid for by the Merrimack College. Merrimack students and faculty can access these databases for free from both on and off-campus.
Corporations also use these tools through their own subscriptions. So these databases are professional tools. Using them for X-Culture will help you stand out compared to other students and student teams who only use free web sites.
Due to the legal contracts required to get these sources, students may not share reports from these tools with non-Merrimack people. However, you are welcome to share summaries of these reports.
Click on any of the left tabs to find credible, quality information for professional studies on:
Don't hesitate to contact Frances Nilsson or another Research Librarian if you have any questions. Enjoy!
Below are major sources not to be missed, but this guide includes many specialty sources for trade statistics, special industries and more, depending upon your needs.
Find books, ebooks, streaming videos, DVDs, articles, reports and more from a wide selection of McQuade's databases, the Library Catalog and beyond.
Find print and electronic books plus videos, at McQuade and at North of Boston libraries. For tips on requesting, etc. see the NOBLE/Evergreen Guide.
Find company reports, market news, downloadable 5-year financials, S&P analysts reports & Industry Surveys, Argus Industry Reviews and SEC filings. Create charts and link to calculations and data sources.
Visit our Capital IQ (S&P) Guide for more details