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IDS4200 Interdisciplinary Senior Seminar

This is a guide to the capstone project for IDS4200 Interdisciplinary Senior Seminar.

Searching for books, ebooks, and video

Merrimack College is the default search location- this will only show you what is available at McQuade. 

Search other Libraries:

Select "NOBLE (All Libraries)" from the list of locations to see materials in other libraries 

  • Use your library barcode number and library password to request available items from any of the NOBLE libraries. Items are sent directly to the McQuade Library.

Search for Ebooks:

Change the format type to "E-book" to only view materials that are available digitally

  • Ebooks cannot be borrowed from other libraries, so make sure the ebook title you find has a green "Access for Merrimack College" link:

Search for Video: 

Change the format type to "Video (All)" to search for films, both streaming and available on DVD.


Search Outside McQuade: 

You can also borrow books and other physical resources from libraries across Massachusetts using the Commonwealth Catalog. 

This catalog searches beyond the libraries in NOBLE, to the majority of the libraries throughout the state. Materials will arrive faster than books found in WorldCat, but can still take more than a week to arrive so please plan accordingly. 

Featured Book

For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
Call us: 978-837-5177 | Text us:  978-228-2275 | Email us: