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IDS4200 Interdisciplinary Senior Seminar

This is a guide to the capstone project for IDS4200 Interdisciplinary Senior Seminar.

Newspaper Databases

McQuade Library provides access to many major newspapers. Try searching the below databases for news articles. If you find an article online that you'd like to use but is behind a paywall, and you're having trouble finding it in a database, contact a librarian for help.

Current Newspapers:

Historical Newspapers:

Primary Sources at McQuade

The NOBLE catalog contains numerous primary sources in the forms of historical documents collections, as well as literature and writings contemporary of the period you are studying.

You can search for primary sources in the NOBLE catalog by adding the term "sources" to your keyword search. Connect your keyword and the word "sources" with the term AND. For example:

  • Black Death AND sources

You can also search directly for works by individuals relevant to the topic you are researching. For example:

  • As a keyword search: medieval church AND writings
  • As a title search: The Decameron
  • As an author search: Giovanni Boccaccio 

When searching for primary sources in library databases, navigate to the Advanced Search option to limit your search to primary source documents:

EBSCO database limiters

Gale database limiters

For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
Call us: 978-837-5177 | Text us:  978-228-2275 | Email us: