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Digital Humanities

This guide is designed to compile resources related to DH tools, methods, and projects, and to help students and faculty get started in DH.

Resources: Overview

Various kinds of digital tools, software, and presentation modes are employed in creating and displaying DH projects. The tool(s) you use will depend on the purpose and subject matter of your project. The large majority of resources included in this guide are free of charge to use, or free to Merrimack students, faculty, and staff. Students and instructors can reach out to librarians for help determining which tools may be most useful for their projects.

Coding Resources

Finding Free-to-Use Media

Looking for free images, music files, and videos to use in a project? The below browsable and searchable libraries and directories can help you find free content licensed under Creative Commons licenses. Always check the license to ensure you are using the content appropriately and cite and credit where necessary.

Digital Humanities Critical Reading

For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
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