Welcome to the Microbiology page. This page was created to help students in Dr. Berkes microbiology class find online resources for their final projects.
If you need help from CJ, please feel free to reach out via email (wongc) and I'd be happy to work with you via email or zoom.
Find books, ebooks, streaming videos, DVDs, articles, reports and more from a wide selection of McQuade's databases, the Library Catalog and beyond.
Free Coronavirus Research Sites
These are free resources focusing on coronavirus-related research.
Google Scholar is indexing research from most of these sites as is PubMed Central and the World Health Organization.
Find books, ebooks, streaming videos, DVDs, articles, reports and more from a wide selection of McQuade's databases, the Library Catalog and beyond.
Find information on hot social topics from opinion articles, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and websites.
Use Browse Issues and Topics, Country Finder and Search to find international viewpoints, articles, statistics, multimedia and primary source material on global issues and current events.
Find authoritative medical information on all aspects of medicine and health care from 5400 current biomedical journals. The EBSCO version links to full text available to Merrimack users. Created by the National Library of Medicine.
A collection of reference resources in many subject areas.
Find full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized on science topics.
Search and view online over 115,000 ebooks in all academic subject areas. Log in and sections or the whole book may be downloaded. EbookCentral/ebrary books are also found and linked in the online catalog.