Journal: Collections of articles related to a particular field, or focusing on a specific subject area that are released multiple times throughout the year.
Database: Organized and searchable collection of materials, including articles in journals and other periodicals.
Catalog: Organized and searchable listing of the physical and digital books, films, etc., owned by McQuade Library.
Call Number: The number listed in the catalog, and printed on the side of the book, that indicates the location in the library.
Keywords: One or more words used to search for materials with content on a similar subject.
Subjects: Terms that describe the content of the material, these are assigned by librarians and other information professionals.
Boolean Operators: Simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results. This should save time and effort by eliminating inappropriate hits that must be scanned before discarding. Using these operators can greatly reduce or expand the amount of records returned. Boolean operators are useful in saving time by focusing searches for more 'on-target' results that are more appropriate to your needs, eliminating unsuitable or inappropriate.(
Truncation: A technique that broadens your search to include various word endings and spellings. Truncation lets you search for a word that could have multiple endings. The symbol for truncation is usually an * at the point where the spelling of the word could change. Truncation is very useful when you know one of your search terms has several endings, but all of the variations represent basically the same idea. Using truncation will help you complete your search faster because you will not have to manually type in and search every variation of the word.(