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iPad Guide

A guide to iPads and the library's iPad lending program.

iPad Lending Agreement

McQuade Library - Merrimack College


iPad Lending and Liability Agreement


Patron's Name:  ____________________________                                                  Date: ________________              

iPad Barcode/Number _______________________                                                  Passcode: ____________


Patron Type (circle one):  Student      Faculty     Staff

 Borrowing Guidelines

  • The iPad may be checked out only to students, faculty, and staff with a valid MACK Card.
  • The iPad can circulate for 5 days.  Renewals are not allowed, but holds are allowed.
  • A $40.00 per item fine will be charged for any lost or damaged power cord or adapter.
  • A $35.00 per day late fee will be charged for every day the iPad is overdue. The fine will not exceed $525.00.
  • A $579.00 replacement fee may be charged for lost or damaged iPads.
  • Users must adhere to all software restrictions and recognize that after an iPad is returned any information or programs stored on the device will be deleted and unrecoverable.
  • When returning an iPad, patrons must give it to a staff member and should never just leave it on the desk.
  • A passcode is REQUIRED and MUST be given to a staff member upon checkout.

 Liability Statement

 I accept responsibility for:

  • Damage to the iPad or accompanying charger cable and plug intentionally or unintentionally caused by myself or   another while it is checked out to my account.
  • Theft of the iPad or accompanying charger cable and/or plug while it is checked out to my account.
  • Any late fee that I incur for failing to return the iPad or accompanying charger cable and/or plug promptly after the loan period ends.
  • Any replacement fee or fine incurred due to intentional or unintentional damage, theft, loss, or failure to return the iPad or accompanying charger cable and/or plug.
  • Adhering to any software restrictions placed on the device.


My signature here indicates my understanding of and agreement to the above liability statement and borrowing guidelines.

 Signature: ______________________________________________                   Date: ________________________



For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
Call us: 978-837-5177 | Text us:  978-228-2275 | Email us: