This guide is for Epidemiology students. It is designed to help you find quality, credible sources for your assignments.
Find authoritative medical information on all aspects of medicine and health care from 5400 current biomedical journals. The EBSCO version links to full text available to Merrimack users. Created by the National Library of Medicine.
A collection of reference resources in many subject areas.
Search over 5000 nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 770 journals indexed in CINAHL® back to 1937 with cited references for over 1400 journals. Explore evidence-based care sheets, health care books, educational software, audiovisuals, nursing dissertations and selected conference proceedings.
Search scholarly full text journals and summaries from many medical disciplines.
Find books, ebooks, streaming videos, DVDs, articles, reports and more from a wide selection of McQuade's databases, the Library Catalog and beyond.
"Point-of-care tool designed specifically for dietitians and nutritionists, users can access trusted resources for education, practice and research." Includes documents from CINAHL.
Find full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized on science topics.
View and manipulate 3-D images of the human anatomy.
For more information on the Atlas or accessing the mobile app visit the Human Anatomy Atlas - Ovid Visible Body topic guide.