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Conversations with Warriors

Expanding perspectives one story at a time

Story Titles

A Skip, Hop, and Long Jump to Merrimack
My story of hardships and triumphs of being the first in my family to graduate high school, college, and graduate school.

A Wounded Healer
My story of mental health struggles - sharing that no one is alone - through my lived experience of losing my sister to suicide following her first year of college.

About My Wife
My story of falling in love with my boyfriend who became my wife.

Athlete to Yogi: Life's Funny Twists 
My story of being an athlete as a kid, through college and into the Pros, until an injury ended it all.

Being Marginalized with a Disability
My story of how I was put a label on in high school and how I turned that around.

Being TRANS-parent
My story of homelessness after being kicked out of my house during my sophomore year of college as I began my transition.

Chaotic Good or Just Chaotic: When Autism Grows Up
My story of life as a late-diagnosed Autistic adult.

Cultivating Cultural Awareness: My Time in the Peace Corps
My story of serving in the Peace Corps in Malawi from 2016 to 2017.

Coming of Age with A Lot of Changes
My story of going from a small, private, all-male educational setting to a mixed-gender university. that is 56% female.

Community Involvement: Trailblazer 
A story of a low-income Latina, who is a single mom with a speech impediment and a double warrior.

DiViNg intO dYsLexiA
My story of growing up dyslexic.

Envisioning A New You 
My story of a Caribbean and Dominican woman and her journey to and at Merrimack College. 

Finding Me
My story of learning about myself and my identity after quitting lacrosse and realizing there is a lot to learn about yourself at the age of a college student. 

Finding My Community and Becoming My True Self
My story of feeling like I didn't belong until I found my community during my junior year in college.

From Italy to the Zombie Apocalypse
My story of being born and raised in Italy and becoming a Languages & Cultural Studies professor at Merrimack College.

How My Childhood Illness Changed My Outlook on Life
My story of missing 72 days of school, seeing all the best doctors in Boston, and still not knowing what was going on.

I Pray with Post-Its
My story of being a woman--and a woman of faith--in a secular academic culture shaped who I am as a teacher and scholar.

I Wish You Can See
My story of being a queer, BIPOC, adoptee with a disability who went from survival mode to giving back.

Military Reintegration Through Education: A Story of Coming Home 
My story of how one adjusts from military structure to college student life.

Moving Forward with Anxiety 
My story of getting through high school, college, and the next steps without my mom.

My Adjustment to College
My story of taking a gap semester and adjusting to college life.

Navigating The of An Asian-American Growing Up in a White Family
My story of my educational journey as an immigrant and some stories about stereotypes, discrimination, and racism that I have encountered.

Overcoming Adversity 
My story of growing up with a single parent from age 5 and then losing that parent at age 19 during my freshmen year of college.

Overcoming Adversities to Develop A Can Do Mindset
My story of my educational journey as an immigrant and some stories about stereotypes, discriminations and racism that I have encountered.

Overcoming Anxiety 
My story of the impact and lasting effects of mental and verbal abuse on oneself.

Proud but Still Humble 
My story of my experiences navigating homophobia in my family and faith community, and the approaches I used to keep dialogue going while never abandoning myself.

Refugee Realities: Navigating the Unseen Struggles 
My story of not being able to return to Ukraine, not knowing for days if your family and friends are ok, and losing your hometown to overnight missiles.

Short Stories of a URM in STEM Professional Environments
My story of my life experiences around microaggressions.

Spanglish es Mi Primero Language
My story from Colombian immigrant roots to American growth, do I belong?

Special Siblings
My story of my relationship with my very special (and pain-in-the-neck!) brother, Joel.

The Adventures of a NICU Momma and the Girl Who Lived 
My story of raising a preemie and our struggles in the NICU.

The Clothes Do Not Make the Person 
My story of feeling like I didn't belong in college because students from the island of Puerto Rico were perceived to be different than Latinos from the US.

The Homeschool Life: Pajamas All Day & Other Myths 
My story of our 18 years of homeschool life - the good, the bad, and the misunderstood.

The Power of Perseverance
My story of coming to PWI (primarily white institution) while being a first-generation college student from a city of a primarily Lantinx population.

The Ups and Down's: Growing Up with a Down's Syndrome Brother
My story of growing up with the looks, comments, and attitudes of having a Down's family member in public who does not conform to able-societal standards

The Woman in the Little Black Pearl 
My story of how I rose above poverty, low self-confidence, and harmful social constructs to become the woman that I am today.

Transformations through Transitions: A Journey Through Depression and Thailand
My story of my transition to and from my year in Thailand and figuring out where I belong.

My story of a single, unmarried successful college student who raised a confident transgender son.

My story of spiritual journey and vocation.

What Do You See? 
My story of being an immigrant, non-white, non-Christian woman in STEM.

Yes, I lived in Paris. No, I don't speak French. 
My story of my experience attending a predominantly white high school while in the A Better Chance program and how that led to me attending college in France where I started a Black Student Union.

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