Search Business Source Premier and ProQuest Business combining the company name with relevant terms, such as:
company name AND (sustainability OR environment OR green)
company name AND social responsibility
company name AND ethic?
Note: "ethic?" searches for: ethic, ethics, ethical
Search BSP for company profiles, industry and market research reports, country reports, and articles from trade and scholarly business publications.
What does the company say about its social responsibility and sustainability initiatives?
ESG Investing
See James Mackintosh's Wall Street Journal article "Streetwise: Social, Environmental Investment Scores Diverge" (September 18, 2018), comparing 3 different ratings.
Search by company name or ticker symbol to obtain annual 10K, 10Q, proxy, S1 and other required filings. Annual filings are critical sources of company & industry data. The annual report to stockholders may also be included, but not always.
Search BSP for company profiles, industry and market research reports, country reports, and articles from trade and scholarly business publications.