APA style of citing requires the use of DOI's (Digital Object Identifiers) for all resources available online. Many databases will provide the DOI for you along with the rest of an article's citation information (title, author, etc.). However, if you can not find a DOI for your article, or if you have a DOI, but don't know what article it is for, use the following online DOI Resolver: www.crossref.org
For help with organizing, writing and citing, head for the Writing Center on the 3rd floor of McQuade - room 346.
While it is ok to drop in during slower times of the year, make an appointment to ensure a time slot by registering and setting an time at https://merrimack.
More information about how to register and schedule can be found on the Writing Center homepage and in MyMack > Student Info (top menu) > Writing Center (left menu)
Writing Center Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9 am to 9 pm
Friday 9 am to 1 pm
Sunday 4 pm to 9 pm