Didn't find the book you were looking for in the catalog? Chances are, you can still get it using Interlibrary Loan.
Step One: Search for books in OCLC Worldcat that are not available at McQuade.
Step Two: Request books that are not available at McQuade.
Merrimack College is the default search location- this will only show you what is available at McQuade.
Search other Libraries:
Select "NOBLE (All Libraries)" from the list of locations to see materials in other libraries
Search for DVDs:
Change the format type to "DVD" to search for films
Search for Ebooks:
Change the format type to "E-book" to only view materials that are available digitally
If you cannot find the resources you need in either NOBLE or ComCat, you can also try searching in WorldCat. The WorldCat catalog connects you to resources including books, dvds, articles, etc., from over 10,000 libraries worldwide.
Use WorldCat to identify the resources you want, and then use the information listed on the WorldCat item page to complete the ILL Book Request Form.
Since these materials often need to be mailed from the owning library location, it can take some time for these materials to arrive so please plan accordingly.
Search WorldCat to identify books and videos not available at NOBLE libraries, then request via Interlibrary Loan.