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EDU 6100G - Research & Emerging Issues in EDU (Walsh)


Enter your search terms in the MACKsearch box to search the majority of McQuade's article databases, books, and other resource collections at the same time!

Limit your results

MACKsearch Strengths

Rather than having to search each of our tools separately, you can search most of them simultaneously using MACKsearch.  That makes finding useful, relevant information on your topic much quicker than in the past.

MACKsearch offers an intuitive, easy to use interface with advanced search tools like limiters that allow you to easily refine your search and find what you are looking for.

McQuade Librarians have designed MACKsearch with our patrons in mind.  We made sure that MACKsearch would provide all the tools, content, and features needed to empower our users to find what they need.

Great for Initial Research
MACKsearch is a great tool to start any research project.  It allows you to gather general information on a topic and get a sense of the types of library resources that are available on that topic.  Depending on the results, patrons may need to explore more specific resources or take advantage of other services such as Interlibrary Loan and research appointments.

Useful Tools
Numerous tools in MACKsearch's right column allow patrons to print, save, export, cite, and email many of the resources making the process of retaining and ethically using the discovered information simple and user-friendly.

Full Text Resources
When available, you will be provided immediate access to full text resources.  When not available, links are provided for quick access to our interlibrary loan forms so that full text can be requested.

Access Everywhere
MACKsearch can be used on and off campus.  To use off campus, you will need to provide their MackCard barcode and library password.

Using Macksearch - Search Limiters

Using Search Limiters

Search limiters are applied to your search results and appear in the left hand column.  The number of search limiters you see will vary depending on which ones you select and the content of your results.

These tools allow you limit your results:

  • Full Text: Limits results to electronic items (ebooks, articles, images, and streaming videos) that are readily available online. 
  • Available in Library Collection: Limits results to items available in all of NOBLE's catalog and full text online.
  • Peer Reviewed: Limits results to items that are peer reviewed.
  • Publication Date: Limits results to items published in the selected date range.
  • Source Types: Limits results to a particular source type such as books, journals, newspapers, etc.
  • Subject: Limits results by a particular subject heading related to your topic.
  • Publisher: Limits results to content produced by a particular publisher.
  • Publication: Limits results to a particular publication.
  • Language: Limits results to a content written in a particular language.
  • Geography: Limits results to content written about a particular geographic area.
  • Location: Limits results to content located in the Merrimack College's catalog.
  • Content Provider: Limits results to content located in a particular database.
For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
Call us: 978-837-5177 | Text us:  978-228-2275 | Email us: