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Accessing Library Resources

How to access McQuade library materials

Logging in to Library Resources

How to Access McQuade Library Resources:

  1. From the Library website navigate to the resource you would like to use either by searching for a resource in MyMack or by navigating to the resource link in the Database A to Z list.
  2. When you click into a resource you will be prompted to log in. Follow the instructions below to log in.
  3. Enter your Merrimack College email address.

Microsoft Authenticator username screen


  1. Enter your Merrimack College password.


  1. Enter the two-digit code in the app on your phone to verify your identity.

MS Authenticator number entry


Once you verify your identity you will be redirected to the resource or the database you are trying to access.

For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
Call us: 978-837-5177 | Text us:  978-228-2275 | Email us: