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Services for Students

Building Policies

The McQuade Library is the academic center of Merrimack College.  For most of the day the facility is open to the public; however, priority for services will be given to Merrimack community members.  Registration is not required, but you must be be willing to show an ID, and you may be asked to leave during busy periods in our semester. After midnight and during certain other periods, access is limited to MACKcard holders (and their registered guests) only. 

For information pertaining to general building use, contact the Merrimack College Conference & Events Department. Other campus departments that are housed in the library building have their own policies related to their services. Patrons should contact the other departments directly for specific information. Operating hours vary depending upon semester, holiday, and summer schedules--consult the Hours page on the library website.

A directory for the building departments is located in the front lobby to the right of the staircase leading to the upper levels.

Food and Drink

Beverages and light meals can be purchased at the cafe on the 1st floor. Vending machines with snacks and drinks are available on the 2nd floor near Information Technology Services. All beverages must be in covered containers.


While using the library, patrons are required to wear shirts and shoes at all times.  Patrons in violation of this policy will be asked to comply and those that fail to comply may be asked to leave the library.

Posters and Flyers 

Library bulletin boards and stairwell glass are available for approved library and campus information only. Appropriate printed notices of college related information may be submitted for display consideration if space is available--bring them to the Help Desk on the 1st floor. Unapproved posters and flyers will be removed.

Lost and Found

The library maintains a lost and found cabinet for articles left in the building. Inquiries for lost articles may be directed to a staff member at the Help Desk. Items of significant value such as a wallet, purse, drivers license, and/or student i.d. are brought as soon as possible to the Police Services Office in Monican.

Patrons with Disabilities

HP-designated parking is available at the back of the building. The front entrance doors have motorized push-button access. The building elevator is located off the front lobby to the right. There are accessible restrooms on the lower level and 3rd floor.

Library staff will assist any patron with disabilities in retrieving books and/or other research materials as needed.

Security and Emergency Situations

In the event of any emergency situation, library staff will call the campus 24-hour emergency number.  The library will comply with any immediate instructions given by Police Services on the phone.

In case of fire or smoke, anyone in the building should immediately pull the emergency fire alarm pulls, which are located on the east and west sides of the building on each floor. All library staff and people occupying the building are expected to evacuate the building immediately making no attempt to combat the fire emergency or attempt to use fire emergency equipment located in the building.

Emergency exits are located through the front lobby or rear stairwell exiting to the east side of the building. The library staff is not responsible for evacuating the building. Emergency personnel such as police officers or fire fighters will be responsible for evacuation and assisting patrons with disabilities from the building.

Booking Space on Campus

To book study space, meeting rooms, etc. in McQuade and on campus, go HERE

For more information, visit Conference & Events

For questions or feedback contact the McQuade Library
Call us: 978-837-5177 | Text us:  978-228-2275 | Email us: