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McQuade's Online Catalog

Use McQuade's Online Catalog to find books, ebooks, and DVDs.

Browse the Stacks

The library uses the Library of Congress Classification system to organize books in the stacks by subject. This means that it is easy to browse the stacks once you know the subject heading and call number associated with your topic.

At McQuade, call numbers A-H are located on the 2nd floor & J-Z are located on the 3rd floor.

Subject Call Number
Greek literature
PA3050 - PA4505
Greek literature -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. PA3520 - PA3564
Byzantine and modern greek literature PA5000 - PA5660
Roman literature PA6000 - PA6971
Roman literature -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. PA6141 - PA6144
Medieval and modern latin literature PA8001 - PA8595
Celtic languages and literature PB1001 - PB3029
Slavic literature (General)  PG500 - PG585
Russian literature PG2900 - PG3698
Russian literature -- History and criticism PG2900 - PG3190
Roman literature -- Collections
PA6100 - PA6140
Oriental philology and literature -- General -- Literature PJ306 - PJ489
Oriental philology and literature -- Egyptology -- Literature. Inscriptions PJ1484 - PJ1989
Oriental philology and literature --Semitic philology and literature PJ3001 - PJ3097
Oriental philology and literature --Assyriology. Akkadian -- Literature. Inscriptions PJ3601 - PJ3971
Oriental philology and literature --Hebrew -- Literature
PJ5001 - PJ5060
Oriental philology and literature -- Syriac -- Literature
PJ5601 - PJ5695
Oriental philology and literature -- Arabic literature
PJ7501 - PJ8517
Indo-Iranian philology and literature PK1 - PK9601
Indo-Iranian philology and literature -- Indo-Aryan literature
PK2901 - PK5471
Indo-Iranian philology and literature -- IIranian philology and literature PK6001 - PK6996
Japanese literature PL700 - PL889
Japanese literature -- History and criticism
PL700 - PL715.5
Korean literature PL950 - PL998
Korean literature -- History and criticism PL950.2 - PL969.5
Chinese literature PL2250 - PL3208
Chinese literature -- History and criticism PL2250 - PL2443
Malaysian literature PL3512
Singapore literature PL3515
African literature PL8009.5 - PL8014
Literature (General) PN1 - PN6790
Literature (General) -- Criticism PN80 - PH99
Literature (General) -- Ancient
PN611 - PN649
Literature (General) -- Medieval (to 1500)
PN661 - PN694
Literature (General) -- Modern
PN695 - PN779
Literature (General) -- Renaissance (1500-1700)
PN715 - PN749
Literature (General) -- Romance literature
PN801 - PN820
Literature (General) -- Germanic literature
PN821 - PN840
Literature (General) -- Black literature (General)
Literature (General) -- Jewish literature in various languages
Literature (General) -- Comparative literature
PN851 - PN884
Literature (General) -- Folk literature
PN905 - PN1008
Literature (General) -- Poetry PN1010-1525
Literature (General) -- The monologue PN1530
Literature (General) -- The dialogue
Literature (General) -- The performing arts. Show business
Literature (General) -- Drama PN1600-3307
Literature (General) -- Prose. Prose fiction
Literature (General) -- Oratory. Elocution, etc. PN4001-4355
Literature (General) -- Diaries PN4390
Literature (General) -- Letters (Literary history)
Literature (General) -- Essays (Literary history)
Literature (General) -- Journalism. The periodical press, etc.
Literature (General) -- Collections of general literature
French literature
French literature -- History and criticism
Italian literature
Italian literature -- History and criticism PQ4001-4199.5
Spanish literature PQ6001-8929
Spanish literature -- History and criticism PQ6001-6168
Portuguese literature PQ9000-9999
Portuguese literature -- History and criticism PQ9000-9129
English literature PR1-9680
English literature -- Literary history and criticism
English literature -- Criticism PR57-78
English literature -- Anglo-Saxon (Beginnings through 1066) PR171-236
English literature -- Medieval. Middle English (1066-1500) PR251-369
English literature -- Modern (Elizabethan era (1550-1640) through 21st century)
English literature -- Anglo-Saxon literature PR1490-1799
English literature -- Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Middle English PR1803-2165
English literature -- English renaissance (1500-1640) PR2199-3195
English literature -- 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770) PR3291-3785
English literature -- 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900 PR3991-5990
English literature -- 1900-1960 PR6000-6049
English literature -- 1961-2000 PR6050-6076
English literature -- 2001- PR6100-6126
American literature PS1-3576
American literature -- 17th and 18th centuries 
American literature -- 19th century PS201-217
American literature -- 20th century PS221-228
American literature -- 21st century PS229-231
American literature -- Individual authors
American literature -- Individual authors -- Colonial period (17th and 18th centuries)
American literature -- Individual authors -- 19th century PS991-(3390)
American literature -- Individual authors -- 1900-1960 PS3500-3549
American literature -- Individual authors -- 1961-2000 PS3550-3576
American literature -- Individual authors -- 2001- PS3600-3626
Canadian literature PS(8001-8599)
German literature PT1-4897
German literature -- Literary history and criticism PT1-80
Dutch literature PT5001-5980
Dutch literature -- Literary history and criticism PT5001-5348
Flemish literature since 1830 PT6000-6467.36
Flemish literature since 1830 -- Literary history and criticism PT6000-6199
Afrikaans literature PT6500-6593.36
Afrikaans literature -- Literary history and criticism PT6500-6530
Scandinavian literature PT7001-7099
Scandinavian literature -- Literary history and criticism PT7001-7087
Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian PT7101-7338
Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian -- Literary history and criticism PT7101-7211
Modern Icelandic literature PT7351-7550
Modern Icelandic literature -- Literary history and criticism PT7351-7418
Faroese literature PT7581-7599
Faroese literature -- Literary history and criticism PT7581-7592
Danish literature PT7601-8260
Danish literature -- Literary history and criticism PT7601-7869
Norwegian literature PT8301-9155
Norwegian literature -- Literary history and criticism PT8301-8574
Swedish literature PT9201-9999
Swedish literature -- Literary history and criticism PT9201-9499
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