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Building Financial Capability

Resources to support financial literacy and the Merrimack Financial Capability Center.


Related Books

book cover for The Financial Diaries : How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty
book cover for Can the Poor Save? : Saving and Asset Building in Individual Development Accounts
book cover for Striving to Save : Creating Policies for Financial Security of Low-Income Families
book cover for Portfolios of the poor : how the world's poor live on $2 a day
book cover for  Financial Capability and Asset Development : Research, Education, Policy, and Practice

Browse the Stacks

The library uses the Library of Congress Classification system to organize books in the stacks by subject. This means that it is easy to browse the stacks once you know the subject heading and call number associated with your topic.

At McQuade, call numbers A-H are located on the 2nd floor & J-Z are located on the 3rd floor.

Subject Call Number
Personal Finance HG 179


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