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Accessibility and Library Materials

Emerald Insight

Keyboard Navigation

The TAB key can be used to navigate through links within the site menu and the main text of each page. Once a link has been highlighted, use the ENTER key to activate the link.

Logical Tab Order and Page Layout

Pages are built so that it's easier to tab through the links – the content area is reached immediately after the header, making it easier to move around within a site.

Skip to Main Content Link

A ‘skip to main content link’ is positioned at the top of the page so that you can quickly navigate to the most important sections of the page.

Alternative content

For visitors using screenreader or speech browser software, there is sensible alternative text for images where this alternative text will aid your understanding of the web page.

Alternative Book Content

Emerald Group Publishing is committed to ensuring that their content reaches as wide an audience as possible. Wherever possible we will endeavor to provide electronic copies of content to those unable to read traditional print books because of visual impairment, physical disability or severe learning disability. 


Pages use structured headers to aid legibility. The first header on the page is the main content header followed by any appropriate sub-headers.

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Additional Information

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