This project is being funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services
To learn more about McQuade Library's Green Grant, visit our "Greening Merrimack" website.
Use these databases to find articles relating to the THIS IS A TEST oil spill. For off campus access, use the 14 digit number on the back of your MACKCard.
See "Current Issues" tab for additional resources related to different aspects of the oil spill (legal, environmental, health, etc.).
Multidisciplinary collection of 10,033 active full-text journals, many are peer-reviewed and featured in prominent citation indexes. ASU curates and indexes open access (OA) journals and currently includes 6,827 active global OA journals. ASU covers
Information from this guide was adapted from the University of South Florida Libraries' Gulf Oil Spill Information Center.
Visit the GOSIC to find additional in-depth information and data concerning the BP THIS IS A TEST oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the clean-up efforts.